Abigail Sikma

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Make Your Home Feel Like Home

I am sure the list to this question can go on forever & looks completely different from person to person. Personally, I have lived in 13 different homes. Some for years, some for months. Each was so special & I was so blessed to call it “home”. What I learned though, was how to properly pack a box & car to the nine in efficiency, but more importantly you can make anything a home. Yes, it has been so fun decorating every room & filling it with coziness. However, that is not a requirement & frankly it is not a privilege everyone gets to part take in or even enjoy doing. What makes a home a home is who & what is shared in it.

Character in a Home is Naturally Cozy

When we first walked through those doors during our first showing, I imagined two things. A Christmas tree all light up in the corner of the living room & a baby swing swaying peacefully to lullabies in front of the beautifully old french doors. We now approach our first Christmas here & although it is still just the two of us, I am finding so many blessings I have been given when for a while I have only been seeing struggles. One of these big giant blessings is the home itself. This is seriously turning into my dream home. The character & history in these walls is enough for anyone to swoon over. I am sharing this beautiful home with my very favorite person & together we have the chance to make it ours. Completely ours. How lucky am I!? I have felt so much peace & hope in lifting those burdens up to someone much more powerful than I could ever imagine. No, I do not feel this way all the time. But I do right now & for that I am so so thankful. My prayer for myself & so many other women struggling with infertility is that they can feel like this too & remember that they are not alone & that it is all in much bigger & greater hands.

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Location, Location, Location

Another blessing that came unexpectedly is this town. This adorable town surely made it cozy & homey here. For those that live in the same town as us or have in the past probably think I am being a little dramatic, but that is okay. Wouldn’t be the first time I have been accused of that. For me this town is something that I get to explore & be apart of. My many previous houses were in many different towns, & this time I am an adult. This time I feel like I have the opportunity to be involved & be a supporter. When we walk through down town we see so much missed potential & great possibilities. I feel like I can be the next Chip & Jo & make it the future Waco. Now that is a stretch, but I do like thinking about all the dreams that could happen there! I am not too sure how I will make this all happen, but I’ll keep you posted.

Home is How You Make It

Lastly, I am so blessed to have the support & encouragement to create. If my job title could be thinker.designer.creator I would sign up in a heart beat! This year I really pray that I continue to pursue that dream & take avenues that are set before me to accomplish these goals. We always have ideas & plans flowing & some day we will gladly share all of these with you! I think for the longest time my dream was to be a mom & although that dream is still there & stronger than ever, I am finally ready to set my focus on the now. There was for sure a large amount of fear there stopping me. Fear if I moved on it would never happen, fear if I moved on people wouldn’t believe the struggle, fear if I moved on God wouldn’t hear my many prayers begging him to make my dreams come true. But that is not the case. He hears & he says to trust in him.

So. This is me trusting! This is me focusing on other things that God has blessed me with like creating things & making everything cozy. & I must say, I am so happy. This home full of character, in a sweet town, & a place that allows me to be me surely makes this Home a Home.

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