Abigail Sikma

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Does anyone else have those people or things that at one point didn’t exist much in your life, but then all of sudden it seems as if it is the only thing in this world? Usually for me it is a person that I seem to run into everywhere! This time, it is a word.


I first heard this word at work. Long story short it was what we called a large schedule we used. A year later it was the title of one of my favorite shows! Now, it seems to be the number one motivational word of 2019. It seems as though everyone loves the idea of “manifesting their destiny”. This idea basically means putting your dreams & wishes into action so that one day they come true.

“This job is mine” as you walk into the interview.

This form of optimism can surely switch your brain into pure positive thinking that can truly change the outcome of a situation. I am amazed at what our minds could do for us. Isn’t that why God told us not to worry? He has it in His hands anyways.

So yes, I guess this is a big word for me. Manifestation. If it keeps popping up in my world, then it must be pretty important right! Although I would love to “manifest my destiny” (stay positive as God’s plan unfolds for me - my version of manifestation since I have a faith that states God’s got this) with big dreams of mine, I feel like my first call to action was to bring spring into my home so that maybe, just maybe, spring can come into the midwest! Holy cow, am I over this winter that won’t leave. I am thinking the warmer temps are here to stay but now we are hardcore deep in these April shower’s. Where are the May flowers?!

I did not have to do much to touch up this home to feel like spring. I would say my number one tip for spring is to add exactly what we all think about for spring : flowers! I don’t just mean buy a potted plant from the store or stock up on the artificial stems. Yes, do all of those. However, I am talking about anything flower/garden related. My go to is clay pots! Stacking them, layering them, finding new & old, there are so many ways you can styles clay pots. The warmth of the rust orange reminds me of the warmth of the sun that will soon be coming. You can easily add some fresh flowers or fake ones to bring in more color.

The only other touch I made was added these three picture frames above my couch. This wall was bare, so I knew I had to add something. Only problem was the wallet. I love the look of floating frames & I really wanted that modern, clean look with the fireplace addition being in this room. Floating frames break the bank, though. I was able to get these frames from Target for about $17. I took out the backing & hot glued the corners for the glass front to stay put. I then found some flower pages from an old book I found at the thrift store & attached them with double sided stickers. Whaaa Laaaa!

So friends, I manifested spring into the Region of Northwest Indiana & a week or so later the warm weather hit. Was it all because of my hard work? Probably not. Probably not at all. But I still highly recommend putting your positive vibes out into the world & pushing yourself to make your dreams happen!