Abigail Sikma

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New Years Resolutions : 2020

Last year’s Resolutions Post can be found here.

It is so fun to look back on this blog of mine & see how far I have come. For me, it has only been a year but still so much growth & passion can be seen. I look back especially as the new year arrives. I wrote a story last year at this time about how 2019 was going to be my year. Now that it has ended, can I truly say that? Well, no, but have I set forth routines & habits this year that will lead me to success for this next one.

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It was really fun being able to read last years New Years Resolutions story & see where I grew. I am hoping that this year I can do the same. This year I accomplished so much. In 2019 I found myself through this blog & the entire Our Blue Abode brand. I started pursuing a home decor passion that quickly transformed into a purpose to encourage others. I shared more of myself & my struggle in hopes to connect with others who grieve. I grew friendships & relationships I could not be more thankful for. All because of Our Blue Abode.

Resolutions for the Year of 2019

In 2019 we went through a lot of changes & even more heart break. I learned to tell my story & be vocal about my struggle. I became braver & stronger as I witnessed so many loved ones accomplish their dreams. Dreams I long for as well. I became aware of how blessed I am while still being honest with myself & allowing me to feel. 2019 taught me to understand sometimes you just need to tread the waters you feel are drowning you because one day you will walk on water by the grace of God. 2019 grew me as a women of God & shaped me as a multi-passionate creative.

The year of 2019, I created a more toxin free environment for my family & home, established a diet plan & regimen that is best for my body. I lost half of the weight I want to lose & made a lifestyle change that was needed for me. I can happily say that in 2019, I learned how to take care of myself & love myself.

My words for 2019 were contentment & intentionality. Two attributes that fluctuated through out the year, but in the end, I learned key qualities to find that sort of inner peace.

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Resolutions for the Year of 2020

The year of 2020 has big things in store, I just know it. For my home, 2020 will consist of creating an inviting & organized space that is welcome to any & all. I will continue to grow & learn how to establish a toxin free environment to care for our bodies & our Earth. Lower waste living & chemical free products will continue to be used & perfected.

This year, in 2020, my health will remain a priority. Keeping up with the lifestyle change I established for myself in 2019, I will continue to see results & benefits in my PCOS. This year I will love myself deeper & care for myself in the same way I care for my home & for others. I want to encourage all women in taking pride & taking time in love who they are as people rather than what they believe of themselves in their lows. By taking themselves up from their lows, they can find so much strength & beauty in themselves.

The year of 2020 will be a year of accomplishments for Our Blue Abode. From monetizing the blog to establishing a set routine for sharing & collaborating. Working hard to create a career from this passion. To having continued growth on the Instagram account focusing on engagement rather than follower counts. Strengthening the quality friendships that have been established & working more alongside these talented friends. 

2020 I dream can be a year where I step further outside of my comfort zone. Hopes of starting a podcast to showcase talented, hard working friends & to discuss further the idea of pursuing what you are passionate about through the leadership of God. Deciphering between what is a calling & what is a distraction. Taking unfortunate, life altering events & turning them into beams of light. 

Final Thoughts for the New Year

They year of 2020 will be about taking care of myself & taking myself seriously. Knowing I am qualified & trusting in His plan. My word for the year of 2020 is “accomplished”. The year I finished what I started & kept going. The year I succeed only to keep succeeding.

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