Abigail Sikma

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Social Media can be Good

Don’t you hear often all the negatives that come from Instagram. I am not just talking about the “courageous” online bullies that feel so much strength behind their screen sharing unsolicited opinions. I am talking about the thoughts that social media is demeaning, a waste of time, materialistic, you name it. All of these things are very true. Know what else is true? The goodness of it all.

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I want to talk about Instagram in particular. A platform that I started using for just a simple reason. I wanted to display and document our journey in our new home. I didn’t have a motivation backing it to become “famous” or land brand deals. However, I am by no means saying that is wrong! The world of influencing and branding collaborations is incredibly present and I don’t see that changing. How many opportunities are out there for employment and entrepreneurship. There is so much good that can come from being present on Social Media and that is what I want to focus on here.

For starers, it is free. It is a free program that gives you the freedom right back. Freedom to create, to discuss, to advocate. Freedom to design, to collaborate, to promote your business. What more beauty can there be for this internet age? What more can we ask for as digital craved people searching for inspiration to flood our minds daily. We crave inspiration. To have it for free at our fingertips is something I think we should try to not take for granted. As a Christian, it does not take much for me to be blown away. I mean look at the sky and the trees. Look at how creative of a God we serve. However, I need to put my perspective on the fact that not everyone sees that. At least not yet. So providing it on a digital standpoint is what we have to work with.

A Creative Outlet to Build Expertise

Using this free platform is a great way for us to grow our skills, our experiences and truly hone in on those creative juices. You can practice so many different avenues and truly find a creative outlet you thrive in. I have learned a great deal when it comes to branding, graphic design, marketing, self promotion, guest and client communication, organizing, time management, scheduling, story telling, research, analytics, you name it! All those are great skills that I have adapted and strengthened over time just by working on my Instagram game. When you think about it that way, it’s truly amazing? Again, with everything else it is about what you put into it, though.

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The Community of Supporters and Encouragers

By far the greatest blessing has been the relationships that have formed all because I made a choice to spend time on my Instagram. This does not mean post a picture and wait for the comments to flood. This means scrolling through and researching your niche. It means finding those that truly inspire you and give them boosts. It is amazing how far a few words of encouragement can go when you compliment someones photo or their words. It takes a lot of time and effort to share on this platform, from creating a space you want to share, taking and prepping the photos, writing inspiring copy, finding the right hashtags. It takes time. 1 like does not. Putting more effort into reaching out to others that share my passions has not only lifted my creative spirits, but also theirs. It has established friendships with people across the world, created groups that collaborate together, grown relationships that never would have been if it weren’t for social media. So. Amazing. It is in these relationships that I find the biggest blessing that has come from Instagram.

Opportunities to Adapt Authenticity

A very close contender to my favorite blessing from Instagram is the freedom and ability it has taught me to become my true self. To not only emphasize that but to find pride in it. I came from a very insecure motive. I started this only sharing my home because I was ashamed of my appearance. I thought my voice was hard to hear, that I had nothing much to offer then ideas on decorating a wall. Oh boy, have I learned I have much much more than that to show. I have a whole story that is constantly being written that has been proven to offer hope and encouragement to others walking my same paths. I have learned that the feelings I had about myself when I started are feelings that disappoint my Creator. Nothing of honor. I have learned that many many many others can stand with that version of myself in agreement. That is the saddest part. I now see how truly beautiful authenticity is and how much it can reflect to others. Using a platform that can be seen by so many others from all over to encourage this type of mindset is our greatest secret weapon. No longer promoting the status quo or what society has built up to be acceptable in our heads. But rather using this to change the direction. Use this platform to take the hard chapters in our story to use them for good. To teach others to walk through their tough chapters bravely. Being authentic means telling your story in one thousand different ways, all pointing to the same home and encouragement and light that is so very needed to be felt by others.

My question is….

Whether it is your business, your side hustle, your night time hobby. Whatever it is you are wanting to showcase and promote and be creative in on your Instagram, how can any of those things I said above be seen as negative. How can any of that be avoided because of the negative connotations placed in our minds. There is too much goodness to be spread to not pursue it. I created this guide to do just that. To show what to prioritize, to offer tangible and actionable steps to showing up on your Instagram and creating the space you know you can. The space you want to use to encourage.

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