Abigail Sikma

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Thankful for 2021 & our Accomplishments

My annual end of year recap & gratitude post for the year we endured. 2021, the word was “accomplishment” & accomplish we did. In some ways. Maybe not in the ways I intended when I chose that word for the year. That is the beauty of documenting it though. Looking back & seeing the vision I had to now seeing growth in ways I didn’t even expect. This story won’t help you make a craft, decorate your living room or fix your infertility… oh how I wish. But if you have enjoyed our story & want a summary of this past year, then here you go! Our 2021.

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In this blog post you will happily find…

+ Why I chose the word “accomplishment” for our year

+ Timeline of what the year looked like for us

+ Where I see our word fulfilled

Why I chose “Accomplishment” as our word for the year.

Seems pretty simple, I always have a lot of dreams & wishes & just want to get them done! I have started things now for a few years & really wanted to hone in on those concepts & see them through. Did I get where I wanted to be? No. Am I still getting there? Yes. That is where I am most proud of. This year I plan on carrying on that same motivation & adding in something that I see I missed out on in 2021. A key point in probably why I don’t feel as “accomplished” as I intended to be. Consistency is the main cause for success in my opinion & it is the one thing I was not this year. With so many changes, which is to be expected, I just got lost in it all & off balance. I know that focusing on consistency rather than every little thing all at once, I will be able to feel much more accomplished in this next year.

I don’t want to dwell on my list of “didn’t” though. We did so much this year that I want to forever remember & look back on with pride. I decided to compile a list as a little journal entry for our year of 2021. Some are little, some are big, all together it was a hard, but great year. Just like how all the ones to follow will be.

A look back at the timeline of happenings for us this year.


Added a brand new bathroom to our new house that we just closed on!


Traveled to Florida to celebrate my sister getting married, welcomed a little buddy to our nephew list, had a lot of needed family time.


Saw 2 pink lines for the second time, learning we were expecting another little one!


Prepared our house for my sister to move in getting a lot done on the upstairs projects.


Shared in two exciting family celebrations of marriage for both sides of our family. Later miscarried our precious little one, making our second angel baby.


Healed from our loss, bought some bikes & kayaks & started our summer adventures.


Took to the outdoors & the gym to gain something I felt I had lost : strength. I became stronger than I ever was before in so many ways.


Continued the summer adventures soaking up the outdoors, was one of the best summers even though it could have been the hardest.


Found out we were once again expecting, stood up for our needs with our medical team & starting sharing this great news right away.


Celebrated both of our birthdays, our 10th birthday spent together! Started making blankets for other mama’s of loss & sparked a dream of mine.


Made blankets, spent time with family, started some exciting home projects, took in the fall weather. My favorite!


Celebrated our second babe’s due date, had great times with our families around the holidays & took a needed weekend getaway just the two of us. Also completed a huge 12 day segment on the blog that was so much fun to write & document.

This past year, the year of 2021, was a lot for all of us & I think we are all tired of hearing it. We have had & will continue to have our own garbage to deal with regardless of whatever else is going on in the world. We don’t need a pandemic to be the main topic of why this wasn’t “our year”. Although I am not a “this is my year” kind of person anymore, I am a firm believer in taking whatever you can as a blank slate, a clean start, motivation, whatever it takes, because why not! Whether it is a goal or a resolution, it is the same thing. If you need a special day to give you a push to add something into your routine that you have been wanting to, then I will absolutely NOT be the person telling you that is silly. These days it seems like we are almost looked down upon for having any type if idea related to the new year. It is silliness. Just like for myself, I encourage you to do you, work at your goal for this year, add something that challenges you, do something! Because why not. I cannot wait to see what we learn & can look back on after this year is complete & think, hey, that’s pretty cool.

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