Abigail Sikma

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This Isn’t for Me

What to do when you have no choice but to live the day to day staring at your dreams. Not living them. That dream could be a job, a lifestyle, a look, that new kitchen, whatever the case is. We all have that certain thing we want & consume our brains with but never reach out & grab it. 

I’m finding that the more research I do & people I follow, the more overwhelmed I become. The more distant that goal feels. Starting this Instagram account for our home sparked from the desire to decorate homes. That soon turned into a platform that I want to use to spread encouragement. How one thing led to another, I don’t know. Well, now I find myself typing posts on my phone at 11pm, stalking speakers/authors/bloggers that I aspire to be like, trying to figure out how to properly decode the html & add the customer css to the which-a-am-jig. Yeah. I have lots to learn. It seems like a lot, & a lot I’m willing to do. But I have to remind myself why. This is why.  

Because I am not where I belong. I did college. For a semester. I did beauty school. Don’t do hair. I now work full time at a trucking company because I have a spending problem. What I would rather spend my time doing : this. Writing, influencing, researching, blogging. If I could do this full time (& Real Estate) then I would be living that dream. I have been so inspired by ladies like Rachel Hollis & Jordan Lee Dooley. To be able to form communities & spread encouragement & empower women is the dream I never knew I had. So why am I doing this?

Dave Ramsey said “You must live like no one today so you can live like no one tomorrow”. Sure he is referring to money & my intentions of this blog is not for such, however, I am not naive to the fact it will take hard work & time for me to bring this to the level it needs to be at & isn’t time money? So ladies, for all you who are doing what you got to do now while staring at your dream, I’m staring too. I am ready to make the necessary steps to turn that staring into reaching, though, & before you know it, we’ll be touching them. 

For those in my boat, let’s remember we’re not alone. Let’s build each other up as we hustle. Let’s all agree to say a prayer for one another & the money positive goals that lay ready to get slaughtered. Let’s make it time to do what isn’t for us so that some day very soon we can do what is for us. The exact thing for us. 

I never imagined wanting  to write like this. I always loved it, but had no idea I could make it into something. I can’t tell you how thrilled I am to come to that conclusion. I have my work cut out for me, but so do you, my friend. You’re going to make it happen!