Abigail Sikma

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Why I Started Blogging

I did it! I finally pulled the trigger. This is my umpteenth attempt at this. I have tried & failed so many times at creating a blog, but I always come back to it. I know for a fact I am not the first nor the second person to want something, quit & some how find your way back to that passion. Luckily for us, this world is not short on opportunity & if you want something bad enough, your time & hard work is valuable enough to make those dreams happen.

Why I started this Blog

Maybe because I like words or because it is a creative outlet I can use to spend my time on. I am not sure, but if God is pushing me to take this path & to start this journey, than who am I to delay that. I cannot wait to see what it is that He has in store for Our Blue Abode & this page. The excitement is high over here but not lonely. Fear, anxiousness, anticipation, they all follow closely.

Never did I think my Instagram account, Our Blue Abode, would bring this type of opportunity to my life. By no means is it a big, fancy account. However, it has brought me so much inspiration in both my decorating, in my lifestyle, & mostly in my relationships. If you told me how many sweet souls I would meet by doing this already, I wouldn't believe you. But here we are & I could not be more grateful. I think we all spend so much time & thought in finding out what our purpose is that we skip past the journey & importance of those steps. I think that is the key to our purpose, right? What brings you there?

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Maybe I am wrong. But I do know that I have spent way too much time wasting away to stress & anxiety searching for this purpose. I am ready to enjoy my journey & I think this whole writing thing is a great way to start! What a relief it is to find my outlet. To find a destination, head on the pathway & be a step closer to that location. You might be a lot closer to the Origin than the Destination, just like me! However, be so proud of yourself for fueling up & going. I sure am proud of you & honestly, pretty proud of myself.

So there you have it, short & sweet. My why. The few reasons I starting blogging.

Support is Everything

Thank you for following along with me. Thank you for being so supportive of my crazy squirrel brain. I know I jump around from idea to idea, but everyone's path is different. Some have more speed bumps, some have more mountains, some even have a few toll booths along the way. Through out my different jobs & adventures I have been so lucky to have, I know three things: I thrive on thinking, designing & creating. I need people. I need to serve. However best I can do those three things, I am a happy camper. (Maybe throw in a camping trip as well & I will be in my element). Our Blue Abode has given me an outlet that lets me pretend I am an interior decorator, it has already brought me so many sweet & encouraging friends, & I am eagerly waiting for the opportunity it brings me to serve my community.

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Okay that is all for my introduction. I planned on keeping things small because you know... time... reading... all of the above. So thank you from the bottom of my heart! I can't wait to dive into this deeper & take you all with me. Starting this blog is the very first step to many big dreams of mine. Today a want-to-be entrepreneur, tomorrow an author! Needless to say, I have a purpose somewhere out there waiting for me to clamp my short & slightly chubby digits onto & run with them. Run fast & hard with no looking back!

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