Homemaking Abigail Sikma Homemaking Abigail Sikma

Staying Organized while Living Tiny

One of my most frequent asked questions is how do I stay organized while living in such a small space. Moving to our RV, I learned & am still learning on what it means to live simply & minimal. I am learning what is truly important to me, how to make the most of my space & belongings & little ways to still make it feel like home. Showing the coziness we created through pictures is fun, but I do understand that it might not be as easy understanding how simple it truly is to live tiny.

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Homemaking Abigail Sikma Homemaking Abigail Sikma

Game Storage Hack

We all have an idea of the perfect game night. The one’s where you have a cheese board & popcorn on display. Music whistling in the background. & a rowdy game of charades for all to join. Game nights, I have learned, are one of the most fun adult activities to enjoy. They are essentially low cost ways to entertain & enjoy your loved ones. One thing that I didn’t like about them however, was the collection of games we started to need. Old games turn into over done games & soon enough you have a closet dedicated to colorful boxes that were only half filled with cards or dice. Now add living in a tiny home to the mix. How on earth do you justify getting rid of some pots & pans but keeping Monopoly?

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