gifting hand-tied blankets to Mamas experiencing the loss of a baby

Something to Hold, a nonprofit

what you’ll find on the STH website

☞ more about this nonprofit

☞ ways to support this organization

☞ how you can be involved locally & nationally

☞ request a blanket to be sent

& much more!

the story of Something to Hold, founded by Abigail

Six years of infertility. Two miscarriages. This is the story of the Sikma family, Luke and Abigail. After their second miscarriage, Abigail needed something to hold. Something to bring her comfort. Something to honor and remember her angel babies. She tied a fleece blanket and held it every night.

In October 2021, for National Pregnancy Loss Awareness Day, they met another mama experiencing the same pain so they made her a blanket. Seven more mamas were brought to their attention. The community rallied together to make seven more blankets. They’ve been making blankets ever since.

the mission of this ministry

Our mission is to support, encourage, serve and create community. Something to Hold is now a 501c3 nonprofit gifting handmade blankets to mamas experiencing miscarriage, stillbirth and infant loss.

We are a Christian based, public nonprofit fulfilling the call from 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.”

We are here for mamas looking for support and for the friends and family with a loved one experiencing this kind of loss. We provide resources and opportunities to honor and remember our angel babies. The blankets & keepsakes that are made by a collection of incredible volunteers are intentionally created to be gifted as a way of reaching out during an impossible time. By gifting these blankets & keepsakes with a word of hope & comfort, the only perfect comfort we can receive being from Him, we pray to be a light for His kingdom — using the stories of these littles ones to witness, love & comfort.