Make Your Bed Cozy

Making your bed can truly change your day. I was asked to give advice once to an almost married couple & my short experience didn’t leave me with much. What I could say however, was to make your bed together. The motivation of completing this task, the act of doing it together & the ambiance a cozy bed offers changes your day & the feel of your entire home.

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There have been studies done that explain why making your bed each day is so important. I think it goes something like “starting your day by completing a task encourages you to continue to complete tasks through out the rest of the day.” Makes sense. In case you want to read more about this aspect - I found this article by googling “Why is making your bed important”. You can read about it here. In total agreement with this, I came to the conclusion that doing it with your spouse is even more important. This was something we tried to practice more before we moved & now that we are living in an RV, it honestly makes all the difference.

Why Is Making Your Bed With Your Spouse Important

For starters, making your bed with a partner is so much easier. Instead of running around to each different side, you can perfect your own side while he does the rest. It is just so much quicker. Now if they say completing the task of making your bed each morning can change the direction of your entire agenda, then don’t you think doing it with your spouse can affect your relationship? Let’s back up.

The pros to making your bed every morning are clear. It better takes care of your sheets as you won’t be stomping all over them. If your floor is clear of your bedding, then your clothes will most likely stay off the ground too. If you begin cleaning one part of your bedroom - you are more prone to keep everything else in your bedroom in order as well. Another pro to keeping your bed made is that sweet, sweet feeling of climbing into a made bed every night. Not only do you go to bed remembering how accomplished you were, but you don’t have to mess with a mess of a bed. Honestly I think you sleep better in a made bed. Lastly, you spent money on that bedding & essential your bed is the largest “decor” in your room. It is a masterpiece of compiled fabrics adding dimension & texture to your space. Your bed is the number one canvas you have to create the look you want for your room. Can you imagine how unappealing this room would be now if you had sheets thrown up all over the place?


By now you understand all the difference a made bed can make. Not only the physical aspect of accomplishing this task, but reaping the benefits of being that put together are numerous. Knowing how helpful & important this is, doing it with your partner reflects that sense of accomplishment together.

So yes, not only is it much easier & much quicker to do as a team, but now look at it in the eyes of you both accomplishing the most beneficial & important morning routine tasks together. Helping each other. Two minutes of quality time completing a task that in all - prepares you for a successful day, betters the look & feel of your home, & sets the night off with a good nights rest - all in one simple task. It is a simple task to peacefully start your day together before you head your separate ways. All to then prepare as you end your day together after being apart.

How To Make Your Bed Fuller & Cozy

Like I said, your bed is your largest canvas for decor in your bedroom. Honestly, for simple or tiny living, it is the easier way to establish a specific vibe for your space while still living very minimal. If you want a certain color pop in your room, don’t paint your walls - switch your pillows. If you want to give a simple & minimal look - choose clean & airy sheets with just the basics. I would say the easiest way to create a look you want for your bedroom is to start with your bed. For me, that is a cozy, fluffy, full bed just asking to be jumped in. My challenge now - it’s in an RV. Have you ever made an RV bed? Regardless whether it is in an RV or a home, the rules are basically the same. Two words : Layer & Texture.

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The easier way to up the cozy vibes in your bedroom is through layering. This goes with almost every aspect in decor. For your bed, this means adding full throw pillows & stacking up the blankets. A normal bed, for the most part, has a fitted sheet, a regular sheet, a blanket & a comforter. Instead of making the bed & then finishing it up by pulling the comforter up to the top of the bed, show those layers. Make your sheet stick up further past your blanket & keep your comforter closer to the foot of the bed. You may have to bunch up or fold over some of these fabrics but that is where the magic lies. Especially in the comforter. Secondly, make use of different textures in these fabrics. Chose a knit or waffle weave blanket & a gathered comforter. Instead of doing cotton everything, play on different materials like knits & linens. Use this same practice when choosing your throw pillows & blankets. I prefer to stick with a pretty neutral color scheme, but using lighter & darker tones add dimension with our over doing it.

I understand that having a pile of pillows on the floor when you go to bed is not a favorite to all. If that is the case, find larger pillows like Euro’s. They take up more space, are super comfy, & will fill in the blanks when making the bed. Create each aspect of your bed as a piece of decor that you are adding to your canvas - the bed. When you are done making it, be sure to see each article & don’t be afraid to make it look “laid in”. Cozy means welcoming & inviting. A fluffy bed asking to be jumped in does just the trick.

6 simple steps to making a cozy bed

  1. After your fitted sheet is on, Pull your regular sheet square to the bottom. Work from the base of your be. Even out the bottom, leaving enough room to tuck in but also making sure you have enough sheet to cover you at night. Tuck in the bottom part of the bed with your sheet only. Pull the top of the sheet close to the top of the bed but do not worry about making it neat. You will address this part of the sheet later.

  2. If you keep a blanket between the sheet & the comforter, then do the same with the blanket as the sheet. Repeating step 1 with the blanket. If you do not use the blanket - like I do not - then skip step no. 2 & move right to step no. 3.

  3. Take the bottom two corners of your comforter & line them up to the base of the bed. This will not cover the entire sheet at the base, it will allow your sheet to pop through. Your sheet should be tucked in, though, so it will look neat. Pull the comforter neatly along the bottom portion of the bed. Pulling it flat at the bottom, grab the top two corners of the comforter and fold them to meet the bottom two corners. This will now look like your comforter is folded in half covering close to the bottom half of your bed.

  4. Fold your sheet (& blanket if you included it) down just like you did with the comforter. You will now have a bedding “sandwich” with your comforter folding inside your sheet (& blanket). Once you have all the corners together, fold back the bedding all together - but not all the way to the top. Fold it about half way to where you still have a portion of the bedding folded over the bottom half. This creates a puffy & full layer towards the middle/end of the bed.

  5. Set up your pillows & fluff your throw pillows. Place them neatly on the bed, layering them. For your blanket & throw blanket, lay it out and grab the center. Pull up to form a tee-pee like shape and shake it. Creating movement. As your blanket is naturally moving, toss them gently onto the corner/bottom part of the bed. Do this with one or more blankets, layering them on top of each other.

  6. Tuck in any sheet that is hanging out to keep it tight & clean looking. Fluff your comforter one last time & you are all set! Folding it this way makes it simple because it does not require you to crawl all around the bed or bring/tuck in another at the top. However, when it is time for bed, the tops of all your bedding are lined up together so you can easily grab them & pull them over you.

Abigail Sikma

A Midwest homemaker adjusting to life in the Sunshine state. My husband, puppy & I are currently living tiny in an RV as we save money to grow our family. Walking the path of infertility, we are learning to navigate through a lost journey in pursuit to our purpose. Using my passion to write and my desire to encourage other homemakers, I share our lifestyle to show how you can have a cozy home and welcoming presence.

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