Qualifying as a Homemaker

Not everyone knows what they want to be when they grow up & that is okay. This was not the case for me, however. I always knew exactly what I wanted to be. It consisted of dreams filled with home cooked meals, a stocked piled room of toys & a home filled with people that needed me. Watching all these strong women in my life taking great care of their homes & loved ones demonstrated so much grace. Grace that I longed to one day have.

Qualifying as a Homemaker

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This dream of mine was confirmed as my story was written. Dating Luke in high school, moving to different states, coming back together & getting married young, I knew being a homemaker was my calling. I now had a house & a human to take care of. Everything I wanted. Well, almost!

Dictionary Terms for Homemakers

If you Google what it means to be a homemaker, they describe it as one who manages a home, specifically a house wife. I can see 100% why a house wife classifies as a homemaker. My thing, though is what if you feel called to care for a home but you are single. Or how can you prepare yourself for that role before you even have a house? What if you do not want to be a homemaker?

The classic imagine in my head of what a homemaker represents is a woman in the kitchen whipping up some baked goods, gently telling her kids to stop running in the house & simultaneously vacuuming the living room. Right? Slowly my head space is shifting on exactly the importance this role brings & how as women especially, we can better ourselves through it.


Being a homemaker is more about the quality you bring inside your heart. I say heart because I don’t think it stops as you leave your front door. I think that the characteristics of a homemaker are to be brought to your neighbors, co workers, friends, strangers, it makes up more of who you are then just a title of “manager”.

Home Goes Further than your Four Walls

The quality you bring inside your home does not mean granite countertops from Home Depot. I am talking about the level of safety you provide, the comfort you offer, the warmth & inviting presence that allow others to feel right at home. “Home” is a large word. It demonstrates safety, vulnerability. To be able to offer that comfort to someone outside of their own shelter is one of the greatest gifts you could obtain.

So does that mean you need to own your own house? Does it mean you have to be a wife of 5 years to family of four? Absolutely not. You can rent a room from a friend, as soon as that friend enters your room they too can feel relief & safety. I believe that being a homemaker means establishing an area & creating it into a “home”. A safe space.

This “home” that we have now established is not actually just a four brick walls with a roof. We have made it known that “home” means so much more. This comfort & safety you can provide within your own space is prevalent in being a homemaker. What is most important, however, is where you take that presence outside the four walls. They other day my friends & I were talking & we decided to think of one or two words to describe each other. I was touched when my friend used the words “warm & inviting” for me. I laughed because those are the two adjectives I want my house to feel like. Now they are being used for my own personality? Then it clicked.

True Calling in Homemaking

This safety & comfort & acceptance we are called to offer others through love isn’t supposed to stay within your four walls. We are called to bring that out into the world. To demonstrate & be a light for His greater love. These feelings that I strive for others to be surrounded by within my home are actually feelings I want them to feel during any conversation or greeting between each other. My motivation for being a homemaker & the characteristics I feel like I need to portray to succeed in that role gain far more ground then just my kitchen floors.

Understanding the importance & greater purpose behind what it means to be a homemaker helps me know how vast that role truly is. How life changing the impact of striving for this can be not only for myself but for my family, friends & anyone I interact with. Truly being a homemaker is more about the love we demonstrate & that is why I think you can qualify as a homemaker today.

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Abigail Sikma

A Midwest homemaker adjusting to life in the Sunshine state. My husband, puppy & I are currently living tiny in an RV as we save money to grow our family. Walking the path of infertility, we are learning to navigate through a lost journey in pursuit to our purpose. Using my passion to write and my desire to encourage other homemakers, I share our lifestyle to show how you can have a cozy home and welcoming presence.


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