Motherhood, Author Archives Abigail Sikma Motherhood, Author Archives Abigail Sikma

How I Published My Children's Book

After sharing this dream come true project of mine, the biggest question I was asked was “how?”. Turns out, so many people have a dream of writing a book — which makes me happy to say, anyone can do it! Now with self-publishing, anyone can hold their very own book in their hands. To make answering this question easier for me, I decided to spell it out in this blog post rather than try & get all the information needed via direct messenger. If you have any further questions passed where this blog post goes, do not hesitate to reach out! I want this dream to come true for you, too.

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Author Archives Abigail Sikma Author Archives Abigail Sikma

Back to Regular Scheduled Programming

I left all of this behind for numerous, good, solid reasons. Reasons that I felt so called in that made it feel like the best decision for myself. For about a year I have played with the idea of stepping away from this creative outlet (sharing on the blog here & on Instagram). That feeling never went away & felt heavier as time went on. So I did something about it! Now, about three months later, I am feeling so renewed, challenged & honestly just confused on what to do moving forward. Giving up this space I think was a mistake. Switching gears, however, is what I should have done from the start while taking a breather from the burn out.

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Author Archives Abigail Sikma Author Archives Abigail Sikma

Hi, friends! Long time, no talk.

April was last you’ve heard from me. Crazy, right?! This six month, unintentional break was actually very much needed. This space has always been more of a diary than anything, so for what it’s worth I’d like to keep this place updated for my own sake. With that said, I sure have missed this.

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Author Archives Abigail Sikma Author Archives Abigail Sikma

How to be a Modern Proverbs 31 Woman

Infertility is teaching me so much about myself & challenging me in more ways as each year passes. Although I would choose the busy, frantic life with babies crying over this any day, I have no choice but to choose the bright side of things in what is my present. That bright side is : I have time. I got caught up in the idleness that the loneliness brought by infertility creates. I got comfortable complaining about “why me” rather than asking “what now”. In search of some serotonin, I have found an identity that offers a pocket filled with peace of mind.

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Author Archives Abigail Sikma Author Archives Abigail Sikma

Social Media was Stealing my Days

If you have noticed at all - my presence on social media & here on the blog has been scarce. I am in some what of a soul searching phase & I am working on setting down the “busy”. Social media is not the sole one to blame, but I absolutely found it carried some fault. I saw mom’s posting on IG & stories of activities they were doing. I wait for my friends with kiddos to get ready for errands & they have 2 other small people to get ready too. I see the hustle & bustle that some may complain about - a kind of busy that I pray for.

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Author Archives Abigail Sikma Author Archives Abigail Sikma

Hi, This is Abigail - Welcome Home!

This kind of feels like a first impression type thing. Almost as if this is brand new even though it’s not. Starting this blog in 2018, I never would have imagined I would still be going. Here we are & I cannot wait to share all the things with you. First, let me introduce you here!

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Author Archives Abigail Sikma Author Archives Abigail Sikma

Why I Use Essential Oils

There is so much information out there about essential oils & to be honest, at first I just felt like I was trying to be sold on something. Obviously, that will turn anyone away. However, not after a little research & conversations with specialists from our Infertility journey, I soon found out that there was a missing puzzle piece to my efforts.

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Author Archives Abigail Sikma Author Archives Abigail Sikma

Why I Live Intentionally

Have you been able to check out our podcast? That is right! My sister, Alanna & I decided to dive into the world of podcasting together & we just shared our second episode. Why do the podcast? We all know I love to write & share my story, well so does my sister. However, we come from two very different lifestyles.

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Author Archives Abigail Sikma Author Archives Abigail Sikma

Growing My Community Through Stories

The history of Our Blue Abode is discussed often on here. I think because my mission through it is constantly evolving. As a brief summary, I started Our Blue Abode to document our new home & the decor process. That turned into opening up about our story & soon found passion in encouraging others to do the same. I started in fear of showing myself - my appearance that is. Now, I couldn’t imagine the growth I have endured through showing up, the confidence gained & the friendships build from being truly myself.

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