How I Published My Children's Book
After sharing this dream come true project of mine, the biggest question I was asked was “how?”. Turns out, so many people have a dream of writing a book — which makes me happy to say, anyone can do it! Now with self-publishing, anyone can hold their very own book in their hands. To make answering this question easier for me, I decided to spell it out in this blog post rather than try & get all the information needed via direct messenger. If you have any further questions passed where this blog post goes, do not hesitate to reach out! I want this dream to come true for you, too.
When We Prayed for a Baby to Stay
As I step back into the world of writing, I see it only fitting to bust the writers block using our son’s story. This space was created as an outlet & healing process for me during our 6 year infertility journey. Something to keep tabs on our growth & adventures, something to work hard on, something to share with our one day family. How surreal is it that that family is finally here. May 24 of 2022 at 7:39 pm we welcomed our sweet baby boy into the world. His entrance was nothing short of what we prayed for, even if it was yet the hardest obstacle for me to process. Here is the birth story of our Gentry Bernard.
"Something to Hold"
This past spring we experienced our second miscarriage. Once again I experienced the pains of pregnancy loss & the outpouring love of friends & family who just didn’t feel like they had the right words or actions for the circumstances. To be honest, I didn’t even understand what needs I should have asked to be met. All I wanted was something to hold.
Our Second Miscarriage Story
In May of this year we experienced our second miscarriage. Sharing our infertility journey & previous loss is something important to me. Something that has always helped me. Here is my documentation of our second babe’s life that we longed for & miss dearly.
Our Miscarriage Story
With every story written & conversation had concerning our infertility journey, I honestly didn’t think I would type those words. “Our Miscarriage Story”. Now whether that is because I never though we would be the 1 in 4 or just the thought of never being able to become pregnant, that I am not sure. Our story has grown to mounds that are some what uncharted territory. I grew comfortable sharing about infertility, but now this is a stage on a bit of shaky ground. Fear in saying the wrong thing. Fear in not demonstrating the heartbreak honestly. Fear in not honoring our angel baby the correct way. That is the thing, though. I write. I share. If I did not do so in accordance with this life event, well that would not honor our child properly.
Be Brave through Infertility
The last word & for sure the most impactful for me, brave. It was my second Mother's Day since trying & our pastor made an announcement. He offered prayer to each type of mother in our congregation. The mother to grown children, lost children, little babies, the first time mother, the soon to be mother, and the mother who is not yet. ⠀⠀
Being Enough with Infertility
A word that I am because of He who created me. This is not taken away from me no matter my flaws, my brokenness or my inadequacies. I am 'enough'.
Finding Grace before Motherhood
Today's word is well rounded. It holds truth to a quality we as Christian women should strive to carry heavy on our shoulders each day. An attribute that is a daily task. The greatest example of Christ's love for us is shown through His grace. When we are called to be Christ-like, that means filling our souls to overflow with this one word.
Empathy & Infertility
If you were not able to catch my chat yesterday, then here is a brief summary of how I plan to spend this week. Each day I will choose one word. One positive attribute that is being woven into my character through this walk of infertility. Yesterday I shared how I have learned to become more vulnerable in hopes of advocating for others. Today's word : Empathy.