Author Archives Abigail Sikma Author Archives Abigail Sikma

Why I Live Intentionally

Have you been able to check out our podcast? That is right! My sister, Alanna & I decided to dive into the world of podcasting together & we just shared our second episode. Why do the podcast? We all know I love to write & share my story, well so does my sister. However, we come from two very different lifestyles.

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Author Archives Abigail Sikma Author Archives Abigail Sikma

Seeing Progress in the Small Steps

January is on the mend to being almost half way over & I can honestly say 2020 is going by way too fast. It has been 11 days & I have had way more bad days than good days. My list of goals & habits to do every day are not filling up with checked boxes like I had planned. Feeling like a failure can come pretty quick & easy when you are a new years resolution chick like me. However, this year feels so different maybe because I am maturing & growing or maybe because I actually started my 2020 goals back in October. Maybe I am seeing more that not every day has to be perfectly beautiful, but rather every day needs to have at least on small baby step in the right direction to mean success.

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Author Archives Abigail Sikma Author Archives Abigail Sikma

Taking Proper Care of Myself

I spent a couple years really fighting my inner demons. Fighting my sensitivity & fighting my worth & it showed. I let the ugliness I felt for myself on the inside seep into how I let my outward appearance show. In turn, this affected my mood, my motivation & my relationships.

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