New Years Resolutions 2019

So many lists & so many goals. 2019, I am coming for you. I am such a January girl. More so than I ever thought before. A fresh start, motivation to do & be good. The positive mindset that this year you CAN do it. Who doesn’t get pumped up by all that? I have been seeing & hearing a lot from people their dislike for “resolutions”. I never really thought that there would be such an issue with people setting up goals for themselves.

Sure, resolutions have a connotation that they will be broken or unachieved (I might have made that word up, I am not sure). HOWEVER, how dare we judge or look down on others trying to better themselves. Shouldn’t we only shine encouragement & support? If you are anything like me, you are going to struggle enough on your own & with your own self discouragement. The last thing you need is an audience judging you for setting “new years resolutions”. Also, if you say goals instead, well I think those are synonyms… But that is just my opinion. Okay those are my thoughts on that.. Maybe a little strong because I am a believer in setting goals for yourself & the fresh start of a new year makes the perfect start date for those! If you have set a list or vision for yourself for this year, know that I support you 100% & if there is anything I can do to help, let me know! Lord knows I need all the help I can get!

With that said, my biggest goal for this year is to accomplish something I set for myself every year. 2018 was a year of finding out what works for me & now this year I am carrying that into finally checking this item off my list : Get Healthy. Not lose weight, not be a certain size, not any of that. Just get healthy. One thing having PCOS, is that losing weight is very difficult. It is difficult regardless! No special excuse because I have this syndrome. I just want to eat healthy & fill my body with things it needs to gain energy & just to feel good! If I shed a pound or two in the process, well that is the cherry on top. Some things I have been so bad at doing in the past is eat breakfast & drinking sugary coffee drinks. Well in my steps to getting healthy, I have found my perfect combination. Premier Protein Shake + 2 Shots of Espresso from Starbucks.

Friends, I have a problem. I love spending money. I love feeling fancy. I love love love going through the Starbucks drive through & walking into work with my cup of coffee. But Christmas gift cards won’t last forever & I am getting a little tired of the sugar free syrups. Starbucks, when you finally get sugar free white mocha, then we can talk. Anyways, getting a couple shots of espresso in a venti cup with ice & then pouring my shake inside, is the perfect creamy drink that makes me feel fancy & like I am drinking a cup of sugar. It is also helping start my metabolism for the day!

Some Facts : The shakes were $7.99 for 4 at Target. I got chocolate this time, but will be getting caramel in the future. I know Amazon & Costco have more for better prices! I only drink half a shake a day with this mixture! The double shot espresso at Starbucks is a little of $2.00. That is like a $3 drink for a big big size! Way better than my $5 grande frappuccino… eye roll…. Now to talk nutrition stuff. This is about 100 Calories & 3 net carbs. I like those numbers for how I am eating which I guess is lazy keto. But I don’t want to label it. Not yet atleast. It is too soon to DTR.

This is my year. This is my year to work on myself & better myself. That includes taking care of my body & my time. Sticking to a routine seems to be the key to success for this year & I am doing my very best at learning new habits. One thing that is helping a lot is this 8 day challenge for The Shine Project. Go on Instagram, look it up. It is a game changer! Every day we get a challenge & a task. Something to make us think positive & to be uplifting. Every day when I get to work I drink my coffee & spend some time answering the daily questions & filling out each task. Today was to make a gratitude jar. I cannot wait to look back at these & read them & to remember all the things I need to be thankful for. This challenge is the perfect tool for this month of me switching my habits. So far so good. I am ready for this year & all God has in store for me.

Abigail Sikma

A Midwest homemaker adjusting to life in the Sunshine state. My husband, puppy & I are currently living tiny in an RV as we save money to grow our family. Walking the path of infertility, we are learning to navigate through a lost journey in pursuit to our purpose. Using my passion to write and my desire to encourage other homemakers, I share our lifestyle to show how you can have a cozy home and welcoming presence.

It’s Not Me, It’s You.


Make a Christmas to Remember