Author Archives Abigail Sikma Author Archives Abigail Sikma

New Years Resolutions : 2020

Last year’s Resolutions Post can be found here.

It is so fun to look back on this blog of mine & see how far I have come. For me, it has only been a year but still so much growth & passion can be seen. I look back especially as the new year arrives. I wrote a story last year at this time about how 2019 was going to be my year. Now that it has ended, can I truly say that? Well, no, but have I set forth routines & habits this year that will lead me to success for this next one.

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Author Archives Abigail Sikma Author Archives Abigail Sikma

My 2019 Year in Review

Little by little I seem to be taking myself more seriously. It seems like the women in the movies or the public speakers all do a million things. Not only do they do a million things, but they are good at all of them! However, they will tell you “I am only human, I mess up, my sink is full of dishes, I skipped the gym last week…” Well I have skipped the gym for a decade. I have no dishes that are usable & I, myself, am a mess of a human. How is it that people are out there accomplishing stuff & all I can do is dream about it? Well, like I said, little by little I am picking myself up & for the first time in EVER I can see how this can happen for me.

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Author Archives Abigail Sikma Author Archives Abigail Sikma

New Years Resolutions 2019

So many lists & so many goals. 2019, I am coming for you. I am such a January girl. More so than I ever thought before. A fresh start, motivation to do & be good. The positive mindset that this year you CAN do it. Who doesn’t get pumped up by all that? I have been seeing & hearing a lot from people their dislike for “resolutions”. I never really thought that there would be such an issue with people setting up goals for themselves.

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