Our Cozy Memories from Christmas Past

This is a weird time for us. It is filled with so much change & so many new opportunities. We are away from what has always been home, but are now closer to loved ones we were so distant from before. We are in a small, simple rv, but have the time to enjoy ourselves more than “enjoy” all the work it takes to care for a sticks & bricks house. Since this move happened early September, I have been so grateful for the pros. It wasn’t until just the other day that the cons set it slightly.


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We are loving our life here! Know that this change was needed & is much appreciated. I need to remember that it is okay to feel sentimental or a little bit sad from missing what used to be. I wouldn’t change anything about this experience, but I am choosing to reminisce a little harder while the holiday season approaches. You know, the kind of reminiscing that saddens your heart a little bit. You want to go back to those memories. Not necessarily for good, but just enough time to enjoy it all over again. For me this holiday season, I want to go back to the Blue Abode all lit up with Christmas lights & a multitude of Christmas trees. It is so different this year, not being able to do a week long house tour. Not walking in every room and feel the glow & magic the winter season brought. Its’s not bad, it’s just different.


The Warmth that Christmas Brought

I am not sure if you remember, but our house was built in 1905. It was old. It let a lot of chilly air in. The thing is, I don’t ever remember being mad about it, even during the polar vortex! We always stayed just warm enough. Especially during Christmas time!

There was something about snuggling under the blanket with a tree lit in the corner. Something about all the gatherings & busyness that we sometimes complain about. How special was it for us to have so many loved ones to enjoy each others presence (& sometimes presents lol). It was blistering cold outside, yet so so warm in our hearts. When it is winter time, the hot chocolate hits different, you know. The peppermint ice cream tastes festive. AND THE BAKET?! Enough said. The simplest touches made the Christmas season oh so special.


Missing Out on the Christmas Spirit

I have correlated Christmas with winter my entire life. Every year the stores would pack their shelves with decorations all while snow fell to the ground. Christmas equalled snow basically! I am trying to figure out why it is that the Christmas Spirit hasn’t flooded over me yet. Normally I am just itching to get the house ready by the time Halloween hits. This year, well.. I still have to decorate. So why is it that every year I am all on board, but this year I am just waiting around for the day to come to appreciate the season we are in.

I think I know & it is for multiple reasons. One is for sure that there is no snow on the ground WHICH thank goodness because that is some what a reason we wanted to enjoy living in Florida for a little while. Secondly, I believe we are all kinds of orderless because we just moved by the family we would only see during the holidays & now far away from the family we would see every day of the entire year. It is amazing how habitual your holiday season can be. Third & the most important reason why I am missing some Christmas spirit is because again, I thought this year would be different. Not only did we not go to the tree farm to cut down our own tree, but we don’t have all the fun little presents to buy for our babe that we hoped would be here. We don’t even have room for them anyways. Everything is just so different. Which is completely okay.


Christmas in September

Those are three very good reasons to explain why I am not Christmas Elf this year. For sure not Scrooge level, but I am no Buddy. But that is not actually it!

You see, I have actually been filled with the spirit of Christmas since we moved here in September. We have been filled with family, busyness, changes, fun meals, get togethers, the works. Sure, there is no snow on the ground & we are deeply missing our family & friends back home, there is no doubt about that. However, we are so lucky that this year we have a simple home to not consume us. That we have so much family to get to know better. That we are able to enjoy the outdoors much longer because we aren’t frozen. Heck, we get to see the ocean any day we want. Have you seen how glorious the ocean is? It is truly an amazing experience & I am so grateful for it.

So sure, the Christmas spirit may not be oozing out of my eyeballs, but at least the warmth & love that Christmas brings has been surrounding me for months & that is something that will continue for a while.

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Abigail Sikma

A Midwest homemaker adjusting to life in the Sunshine state. My husband, puppy & I are currently living tiny in an RV as we save money to grow our family. Walking the path of infertility, we are learning to navigate through a lost journey in pursuit to our purpose. Using my passion to write and my desire to encourage other homemakers, I share our lifestyle to show how you can have a cozy home and welcoming presence.


Camper Christmas Special


My 2019 Year in Review