Homemaking Abigail Sikma Homemaking Abigail Sikma

Holiday Stovetop Potpourri Neighborhood Gifts

Now that we are living in our (hopeful) forever home, I think it’s about time to make friends with our neighbors. We have always known our neighbors at our other houses, but were never super neighborly. One time we helped a man on crutches shovel his driveway! However, there’s more we could do. We have received cute plates of cookies from the house across the street & are so excited to finally give back! These stovetop potpourri holiday jars were not only relatively inexpensive, they were super easy to make a large batch of. Here’s how we made 12 jars of holiday goodness for our friends & neighbors!

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Homemaking Abigail Sikma Homemaking Abigail Sikma

Christmas Time Wrapping

I was raised by a mother who cared deeply for gifting. She put so much thought and passion into her gifting that it was contagious. Not only was the gift a perfectly paired grouping fulfilling all your hopes & dreams, but the wrapping was always stunning. She just has a gift for gifting.

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Homemaking Abigail Sikma Homemaking Abigail Sikma

Camper Christmas Special

I recently shared with you our cozy Christmas past in the Blue Abode. You can read it here, “Our Cozy Memories from Christmas Past”. I shared our struggle this year with getting into the Christmas spirit & how it just feels a bit different. Soon after I was able to “testify” our tiny home & it changed the game a bit. With keeping both minimal & budget friendly concepts in mind, we were able to fill this space up with Christmas cheer.

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Homemaking Abigail Sikma Homemaking Abigail Sikma

Our Cozy Memories from Christmas Past

This is a weird time for us. It is filled with so much change & so many new opportunities. We are away from what has always been home, but are now closer to loved ones we were so distant from before. We are in a small, simple rv, but have the time to enjoy ourselves more than “enjoy” all the work it takes to care for a sticks & bricks house. Since this move happened early September, I have been so grateful for the pros. It wasn’t until just the other day that the cons set it slightly.

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Homemaking Abigail Sikma Homemaking Abigail Sikma

Make a Christmas to Remember

Just like that, Christmas is over. I hope you all had wonderful days full of family, love & happiness. Now we’re on to New Year’s. Personally, I am big on resolutions. I am all about choosing goals, planning your game, & kicking them in their booties. This next year especially. My words for this next year are INTENTIONAL CONTENTMENT. I will be sure to touch on that later, but I wanted to end 2018 with just that.

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Homemaking Abigail Sikma Homemaking Abigail Sikma

A Do it Yourself Kind of Cozy

I feel like the word of 2018 in the Instagram home decor world is : cozy. It is for sure the theme I am going for as I decorate & fill each room. The beauty of it is that cozy can be old, new, modern, antique, busy & simple. Cozy is the ambiance of your room glowing by twinkle lights at Christmas time or candles flickering in a row. It is feeling warm & welcomed. For me personally, I love taking things with an old purpose & finding it a new one. I love vintage, antiques, I love full & busy walls! Most of all, which you could all guess, is I love greenery.

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