Motherhood, Author Archives Abigail Sikma Motherhood, Author Archives Abigail Sikma

How I Published My Children's Book

After sharing this dream come true project of mine, the biggest question I was asked was “how?”. Turns out, so many people have a dream of writing a book — which makes me happy to say, anyone can do it! Now with self-publishing, anyone can hold their very own book in their hands. To make answering this question easier for me, I decided to spell it out in this blog post rather than try & get all the information needed via direct messenger. If you have any further questions passed where this blog post goes, do not hesitate to reach out! I want this dream to come true for you, too.

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Homemaking Abigail Sikma Homemaking Abigail Sikma

Our Cozy Memories from Christmas Past

This is a weird time for us. It is filled with so much change & so many new opportunities. We are away from what has always been home, but are now closer to loved ones we were so distant from before. We are in a small, simple rv, but have the time to enjoy ourselves more than “enjoy” all the work it takes to care for a sticks & bricks house. Since this move happened early September, I have been so grateful for the pros. It wasn’t until just the other day that the cons set it slightly.

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Homemaking Abigail Sikma Homemaking Abigail Sikma

Kitchen & Bath Remodel

They say the kitchen is the heart of the home, don’t they? So isn’t it important for it to reflect you & the style of your home? Then WHY DO THEY MAKE IT SO EXPENSIVE?! Alright, I think you can see where I am getting at. This was the exact thought process that ran through my mind as I stood in our kitchen staring into the rest of the house, feeling like I was in two completely difference space. Our house is almost 115 years old. The kitchen & bathroom were non existent. Plumbing was non existent. When people started running pipes through their home, an addition was added on to the back of our house. You can see a patch in the floor boards where there used to be stairs leading outside. Little pieces of history like this is what made me fall madly in love with this home.

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Homemaking Abigail Sikma Homemaking Abigail Sikma


Does anyone else have those people or things that at one point didn’t exist much in your life, but then all of sudden it seems as if it is the only thing in this world? Usually for me it is a person that I seem to run into everywhere! This time, it is a word.

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Homemaking Abigail Sikma Homemaking Abigail Sikma

Little Free Library

How we made a Little Free Library! Something I always wanted to do was add a touch of community to our home. Whether it was a mini food pantry or a frequent yard sale, I wanted to host some time of event to get to know my neighbors & be a light to those around me. The street we are on & the location we are in made it a no brainer for the addition we chose.

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Homemaking Abigail Sikma Homemaking Abigail Sikma

Sure Fire Cozy Enhancer

That is right, friends! We impulse added a fireplace to our living room! Since we bought the house we knew we wanted to add one. We just didn’t really know when, how, what kind, or anything in between. Some problems we needed to work around : had to be on an interior wall, our house is over 113 years old & old things are scary, it had to be safe & cost effective. Is adding a fireplace something you have wanted to do? Do you have similar problems to deal with? Well you are in luck! Here is how we made our living room more modern & more cozy for roughly $600.

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Author Archives Abigail Sikma Author Archives Abigail Sikma

The Our in Our Blue Abode

Hello & thank you. Thank you for being here, for supporting us, & for taking the time to get to know us! I would like to share a bit more on how we met! Whether it is a Hallmark movie or cheesy Netflix film, I am all about a sappy love story. Well, in case you are too, here is ours!

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Homemaking Abigail Sikma Homemaking Abigail Sikma

A Do it Yourself Kind of Cozy

I feel like the word of 2018 in the Instagram home decor world is : cozy. It is for sure the theme I am going for as I decorate & fill each room. The beauty of it is that cozy can be old, new, modern, antique, busy & simple. Cozy is the ambiance of your room glowing by twinkle lights at Christmas time or candles flickering in a row. It is feeling warm & welcomed. For me personally, I love taking things with an old purpose & finding it a new one. I love vintage, antiques, I love full & busy walls! Most of all, which you could all guess, is I love greenery.

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Homemaking Abigail Sikma Homemaking Abigail Sikma

Make Your Home Feel Like Home

I am sure the list to this question can go on forever & looks completely different from person to person. Personally, I have lived in 13 different homes. Some for years, some for months. Each was so special & I was so blessed to call it “home”. What I learned though, was how to properly pack a box & car to the nine in efficiency, but more importantly you can make anything a home. Yes, it has been so fun decorating every room & filling it with coziness. However, that is not a requirement & frankly it is not a privilege everyone gets to part take in or even enjoy doing. What makes a home a home is who & what is shared in it.

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