The Our in Our Blue Abode

Hello & thank you. Thank you for being here, for supporting us, & for taking the time to get to know us! I would like to share a bit more on how we met! Whether it is a Hallmark movie or cheesy Netflix film, I am all about a sappy love story. Well, in case you are too, here is ours!

New Year’s Eve 2010 I was invited to a friends house for a party. She was dating a boy at the same school as me that I knew pretty well, so it was a fun night of new friends & just hanging out! We played this game & I ended up in the vehicle that this tall, quiet man named Luke was driving. Turns out, he was hilarious! First memory of this man ever was that he made me laugh & that was special. A week or so later I started noticing Luke more at school. It was one of those situations where once they are on your mind they are like everywhere! I remember thinking he was handsome, but wasn’t going to pursue anything. Homecoming 2011 was coming around & my friend that had the party really wanted me to go with one of her man’s friends. I was not planning on going to the dance let alone ask a boy!! That just wasn’t my thing. Turns out it was my thing & it was my best thing because it brought me my husband!

We were in the middle of Walmart & my two friends begged me to ask him. I did. He said sure. & that was that. We tried to hangout a few times between then & the dance to make it slightly less awkward, but that is all it was. Awkward. The dance came around & he picked me up, opened my door, gave me flowers, did all the right things. He was such a gentleman & so so handsome. I thought we really hit it off! Then the dance ended. Apparently our new found relationship was too. Things went right back to where they were months earlier where our existence of each other didn’t exist.

That spring he had gotten in a car accident & I seized the opportunity to reach out. Since then we were talking everyday & hanging out again. I guess it just needed to be his idea & not his friends to pursue a relationship with me! Well, the rule in our house was no boyfriends until the summer after your sophomore year of high school. June 2 came around & my final exam for the year went with it. That afternoon Luke took me to Centennial Park & nervously asked me to be his girlfriend. That park turned out the be the same location he asked me to be his wife 4 years later.

Between those 4 years a lot changed. I moved to two different states. When broke up & got back together over & over again. Being in high school & doing long distance was a weird concept to wrap our heads around. Although we didn’t live by each other or even talk every day, we still cared about each other. Finally in 2014 I moved back to Indiana where we were actually able to date each other & pursue a real relationship. I knew right away that this was the man God put here for me. That next year we got engaged & then married.

Everything went pretty fast now that I look back, but in the time it feels like eternity. I just wanted to be his wife & I just wanted to have our home. At the time I was bouncing around from friends & family’s houses who were so gracious to take me in. Marring Luke was so much more than just having someone to wake up next to. To me it was having someone to support & take care of, it was having a home to be proud of & make our own, & it was having a partner to take on this world with. It was the exact path the Lord had planned for us & I couldn’t be more thankful for it.

Now it has been almost 3 1/2 years of marriage & two cozy homes full of memories, love & struggles that I am lucky enough to share with Luke. Anyone who knows him knows how big of a goofball he is but yet how loyal too. He is the handy man behind my dreams & ideas & the encourager to every change I want to make. During the best man speech at our wedding, our friend said “Whenever he has something to say it is either hilarious or wise” & that couldn’t be more true. You will find me bragging about him a lot whether in person, on here or on Instagram, but when you know someone who is like Luke you just can’t help it.

So, just like we would love love love to meet each & every one of you, we want to share with you who we are. Here is our story & a little brag about the one who deserves all the credit. Thank you for being here & thank you for knowing us!

Abigail Sikma

A Midwest homemaker adjusting to life in the Sunshine state. My husband, puppy & I are currently living tiny in an RV as we save money to grow our family. Walking the path of infertility, we are learning to navigate through a lost journey in pursuit to our purpose. Using my passion to write and my desire to encourage other homemakers, I share our lifestyle to show how you can have a cozy home and welcoming presence.

Our Humble Abode


A Do it Yourself Kind of Cozy