Abigail Sikma

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Taking Proper Care of Myself

I spent a couple years really fighting my inner demons. Fighting my sensitivity & fighting my worth & it showed. I let the ugliness I felt for myself on the inside seep into how I let my outward appearance show. In turn, this affected my mood, my motivation & my relationships.

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The hatred that grew within me for my own self was turning me into a hateful person all the way around. It’s something I didn’t necessarily pin point or recognize going through it, but I always felt the heaviness of it. I always felt deeply sucked into this negativity, grasping at anything or anyone I could bring down there with me. Maybe if I wasn’t alone in the wallowing, it wouldn’t feel so dark. 

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My Inner Beauty became a Reflection of my Outward Appearance

I was so wrong. I grew so tired, still am to be honest, of fighting myself day in & day out. Finally, FINALLY, I am finding a self-love for who I am & who I want to be. Not only am I waking up happy - for the most part - but it’s showing everywhere. My motivation is almost overwhelming to myself. My “getting ready for the day” routine is a little too time consuming now that I actually try. & Lastly, my dreams feel almost attainable.

Maybe it’s because I feel slightly less consumed by infertility. Maybe it’s being under the warm sunshine. Ultimately, I think it’s because this is God’s timing for me & He brought me through that so I could feel like this. & Maybe, just maybe, use it to help one other person.That way I knew exactly what they did to me & for me, but also for the environment.

Being Intentional & Proactive about How I Took Care of Myself

This then brought out a desire to create a skin care line that worked for me. I started breaking out on my face, something I never struggled with much before. So now I have created more of a toxin free home environment - not fully, but again with the baby steps. I also established a face wash routine that I do both day & night. There was something about using products I made & doing a routine that started my day & ended my day. In this routine, I included three different essential oils beneficial for your hormones. Each day I looked forward to taking care of myself in a special way that was personalized for me & me only.

One Step in the Right Direction Lead to a Marathon of Good Habits

After creating my own products & keeping up with a morning & night routine, this motivation trickled into taking care of myself in more aspects. I was curious as to what else was affecting my body. The food I consumed. I participated in a food sensitivity test from Everlywell. This, in addition to the knowledge I gained on PCOS & dieting. My experience working with Everlywell was astounding. From being gifted the Food Sensitivity Test Kit, to opening it & completing the process, I found it to be not only so simple but so beneficial. I learned what foods my body is sensitive to so that I could better know what is making my skin react. I completed the test a month ago & have seen many results especially in how I feel in my gut. If taking this test is something you are interested in, you can purchase one here.

You see, it was baby steps. After years of trying to get myself together after lengthy to do lists that always went down the tube, I have finally found the routine I need to make this work. It seemed as though all these hardships were linked to one thing. PCOS. After hearing so many things that effect PCOS & your hormones, I knew I needed to do something, anything, to feel better. However, it would involve quiet the lifestyle change.

Baby Steps that are Bringing me to the Finish Line

I started with living a more natural lifestyle. Apparently the toxins & chemicals in your daily products affect your hormones immensely. I started paying more attention to my cleaning products, skin care & body care. I began using my essential oils way more & actually became very passionate in making my own products. ting, I was able to create an eating plan that worked for my body. I began tracking my food in take to keep track of how many carbs I was eating & to document what foods did me harm & which ones did me good. While tracking, I was able to be more aware about the amount of calories I was consuming.

From wanting to create a more toxin free environment for me & my family to keeping track of what I was putting in my body, I have not only seen health benefits like weight loss & energy gain, but I have seen a tremendous about of improvements in my hormones. I feel good about what I am doing for myself & I am amazed at the pride I have for myself in knowing I am doing everything I can to better myself. By bettering myself, I have learned to love myself, love my story & love my hard work.

Taking care of yourself goes much deeper than your physical appearance. For many years I made it about what others would see. It wasn’t until I made it about baby steps towards improving who I was as person that everything else just fell into place.