Author Archives Abigail Sikma Author Archives Abigail Sikma

Our No Spend Challenge

This February, we didn’t to participate in a No Spend Challenge. There are so many different ways to do these, so we kind of made our own way. I describe here why this challenge is coming at the perfect time, some of the benefits we are excited to see in this & I also included our template for Instagram Stories to help keep yourself accountable. I have set so many one month challenges up in my life & until the end of 2019 it seemed like I could never complete them. Now that I feel such a sense of motivation, I am really excited to see progression in our savings from this type of challenge. The best part - it is something we can do together.

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Homemaking Abigail Sikma Homemaking Abigail Sikma

Our Small RV Bathroom Update

Welcome to a space I have yet to share until this project was complete! We decided to spruce up the bathroom of our rv a bit with this small rv bathroom remodel. By both showing that you do not need to do much to update a space & that you can also stay within a budget, I truly feel like this now belongs in our home. It makes sense now. Purchasing most of our items from Amazon, we were able to get everything to our door in TWO days & installed in ONE. This was a one weekend project & that is a beautiful thing.

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Homemaking Abigail Sikma Homemaking Abigail Sikma

Game Storage Hack

We all have an idea of the perfect game night. The one’s where you have a cheese board & popcorn on display. Music whistling in the background. & a rowdy game of charades for all to join. Game nights, I have learned, are one of the most fun adult activities to enjoy. They are essentially low cost ways to entertain & enjoy your loved ones. One thing that I didn’t like about them however, was the collection of games we started to need. Old games turn into over done games & soon enough you have a closet dedicated to colorful boxes that were only half filled with cards or dice. Now add living in a tiny home to the mix. How on earth do you justify getting rid of some pots & pans but keeping Monopoly?

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Homemaking Abigail Sikma Homemaking Abigail Sikma

DIY Dog Kennel for your Pup

Adopting little Lady was a dream that I cannot believe we pursued so soon, let alone while we are living in an RV. Moving to Florida has been life changing & healing. Part of that healing is due to our dear old pup, Leroy, that we are finally living closer to! Rehoming our Leroy to my sister was a no brainer decision that also broke our hearts. Because of this, I honestly thought we would never get another dog. It didn’t really sit right while me until we moved here & saw how sweet & blessed Leroy’s life is. I is 100% through & through a Florida pup & truly belongs to my sister. He is a dream & I wish every person had the chance to love Leroy.

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Author Archives Abigail Sikma Author Archives Abigail Sikma

Seeing Progress in the Small Steps

January is on the mend to being almost half way over & I can honestly say 2020 is going by way too fast. It has been 11 days & I have had way more bad days than good days. My list of goals & habits to do every day are not filling up with checked boxes like I had planned. Feeling like a failure can come pretty quick & easy when you are a new years resolution chick like me. However, this year feels so different maybe because I am maturing & growing or maybe because I actually started my 2020 goals back in October. Maybe I am seeing more that not every day has to be perfectly beautiful, but rather every day needs to have at least on small baby step in the right direction to mean success.

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Author Archives Abigail Sikma Author Archives Abigail Sikma

Taking Proper Care of Myself

I spent a couple years really fighting my inner demons. Fighting my sensitivity & fighting my worth & it showed. I let the ugliness I felt for myself on the inside seep into how I let my outward appearance show. In turn, this affected my mood, my motivation & my relationships.

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Author Archives Abigail Sikma Author Archives Abigail Sikma

New Years Resolutions : 2020

Last year’s Resolutions Post can be found here.

It is so fun to look back on this blog of mine & see how far I have come. For me, it has only been a year but still so much growth & passion can be seen. I look back especially as the new year arrives. I wrote a story last year at this time about how 2019 was going to be my year. Now that it has ended, can I truly say that? Well, no, but have I set forth routines & habits this year that will lead me to success for this next one.

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Homemaking Abigail Sikma Homemaking Abigail Sikma

Christmas Time Wrapping

I was raised by a mother who cared deeply for gifting. She put so much thought and passion into her gifting that it was contagious. Not only was the gift a perfectly paired grouping fulfilling all your hopes & dreams, but the wrapping was always stunning. She just has a gift for gifting.

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Homemaking Abigail Sikma Homemaking Abigail Sikma

Camper Christmas Special

I recently shared with you our cozy Christmas past in the Blue Abode. You can read it here, “Our Cozy Memories from Christmas Past”. I shared our struggle this year with getting into the Christmas spirit & how it just feels a bit different. Soon after I was able to “testify” our tiny home & it changed the game a bit. With keeping both minimal & budget friendly concepts in mind, we were able to fill this space up with Christmas cheer.

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