Homemaking Abigail Sikma Homemaking Abigail Sikma

Our Cozy Memories from Christmas Past

This is a weird time for us. It is filled with so much change & so many new opportunities. We are away from what has always been home, but are now closer to loved ones we were so distant from before. We are in a small, simple rv, but have the time to enjoy ourselves more than “enjoy” all the work it takes to care for a sticks & bricks house. Since this move happened early September, I have been so grateful for the pros. It wasn’t until just the other day that the cons set it slightly.

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Author Archives Abigail Sikma Author Archives Abigail Sikma

My 2019 Year in Review

Little by little I seem to be taking myself more seriously. It seems like the women in the movies or the public speakers all do a million things. Not only do they do a million things, but they are good at all of them! However, they will tell you “I am only human, I mess up, my sink is full of dishes, I skipped the gym last week…” Well I have skipped the gym for a decade. I have no dishes that are usable & I, myself, am a mess of a human. How is it that people are out there accomplishing stuff & all I can do is dream about it? Well, like I said, little by little I am picking myself up & for the first time in EVER I can see how this can happen for me.

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Author Archives Abigail Sikma Author Archives Abigail Sikma

Our Road Abode Story

A year ago we NEVER dreamed we would be where we are at today. Living full time in an RV was not exactly in our plan book, but then again, when does our own plans actually happen.

I always thought we had a cool story. Being high school sweethearts, moving around different states & still finding our way back together. Getting married young. The lady at the pet store told us we were a Hallmark movie. I like to think so. There is one part though, I guess our plot in our story. You know, the infertility detail that I sometimes talk about. The part of the story that is keeping us at the edge of our seats - actually more on our knees, if you know what I mean. The BIG part of our story that is shaping us & creating us as a couple in Christ.

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Motherhood Abigail Sikma Motherhood Abigail Sikma

The Hats I Wear

I bought this hat because I first bought this hat.

It is a bit of a lengthy one, if you bare with me, this was so good for me to write. I would greatly appreciate this read. I posted last night about a quote I heard that basically read my mind. “Lord, please silence my thoughts, so that I could hear your voice.” After reading some scripture, my thoughts changed & sharing this story was put heavy on my heart.

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Author Archives, Homemaking Abigail Sikma Author Archives, Homemaking Abigail Sikma

Stand Out at the Farmer's Market

The town near me started hosting a farmer’s market & I think all of Northwest Indiana has been waiting for this moment. Two weeks in, the organization & planning & hype has been well worth it. So much hard work is seen at this event & the growth in the community will prosper for it. If you are in the NWI region, be sure to hit up the Cedar Lake Grounds every 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month. This event goes from 3 pm to 7 pm & is full of shopping, yummy foods, loud music, & most importantly, fellowship. Being able to join this event is definitely the highlight of my summer. As you know I love creating an inviting space in my home. The Blue Abode hitting the farmer’s market means I have a chance to share that passion with others & that fills my heart with so much joy.

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Author Archives Abigail Sikma Author Archives Abigail Sikma

Creating a Purposeful Life

Three actionable steps that helped lead the path to living out my purpose. I cannot be the only one that spends most of their day staring out the window, pretending they are in a music video. Contemplating my past decisions, worrying about my future ones. Every car ride with my husband includes a few moments pause, followed by the question "What are ya doing?" "Thinking..." Answered simultaneously between the two of us. I am guilty. I am an over-thinker. What consumed my bottomless mind most was thinking I wasn't enough or I wasn't doing enough. That needed to end.

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Homemaking Abigail Sikma Homemaking Abigail Sikma

Kitchen & Bath Remodel

They say the kitchen is the heart of the home, don’t they? So isn’t it important for it to reflect you & the style of your home? Then WHY DO THEY MAKE IT SO EXPENSIVE?! Alright, I think you can see where I am getting at. This was the exact thought process that ran through my mind as I stood in our kitchen staring into the rest of the house, feeling like I was in two completely difference space. Our house is almost 115 years old. The kitchen & bathroom were non existent. Plumbing was non existent. When people started running pipes through their home, an addition was added on to the back of our house. You can see a patch in the floor boards where there used to be stairs leading outside. Little pieces of history like this is what made me fall madly in love with this home.

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Author Archives Abigail Sikma Author Archives Abigail Sikma

Purposeful Essentials

Let me tell you about a new obsession of mine. Yes, another one. It is not hard for me to find something to love & love on it hard. I am what you call a Grade A Clinger. Before I dive into all the fun I have been having, let me tell you where this all stemmed from.

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Homemaking Abigail Sikma Homemaking Abigail Sikma


Does anyone else have those people or things that at one point didn’t exist much in your life, but then all of sudden it seems as if it is the only thing in this world? Usually for me it is a person that I seem to run into everywhere! This time, it is a word.

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