Travel, Recommendations Abigail Sikma Travel, Recommendations Abigail Sikma

Our Camping Abode & Guide

Camping has become a summer must do for us. Since we got married in July of 2015, we bought a tent & started these transitions. Weekend getaways that we hope to one day bring our kids with to enjoy as well. Growing up, my family had a cottage, so camping wasn’t the most familiar concept. However, the outdoors was. Tenting is just much more feasible then an entire house - I would say. We have shared our Pop Up camper we had a few years back, & long time followers know about our RV living days. Well, here are the tenting days! A downgrade to some, but never to us. Here I share all the must knows, tips & our favorite reminders when it comes to sleeping on the ground.

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Motherhood Abigail Sikma Motherhood Abigail Sikma

"Something to Hold"

This past spring we experienced our second miscarriage. Once again I experienced the pains of pregnancy loss & the outpouring love of friends & family who just didn’t feel like they had the right words or actions for the circumstances. To be honest, I didn’t even understand what needs I should have asked to be met. All I wanted was something to hold.

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Motherhood Abigail Sikma Motherhood Abigail Sikma

Our Second Miscarriage Story

In May of this year we experienced our second miscarriage. Sharing our infertility journey & previous loss is something important to me. Something that has always helped me. Here is my documentation of our second babe’s life that we longed for & miss dearly.

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Author Archives Abigail Sikma Author Archives Abigail Sikma

Hi, friends! Long time, no talk.

April was last you’ve heard from me. Crazy, right?! This six month, unintentional break was actually very much needed. This space has always been more of a diary than anything, so for what it’s worth I’d like to keep this place updated for my own sake. With that said, I sure have missed this.

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Author Archives Abigail Sikma Author Archives Abigail Sikma

How to be a Modern Proverbs 31 Woman

Infertility is teaching me so much about myself & challenging me in more ways as each year passes. Although I would choose the busy, frantic life with babies crying over this any day, I have no choice but to choose the bright side of things in what is my present. That bright side is : I have time. I got caught up in the idleness that the loneliness brought by infertility creates. I got comfortable complaining about “why me” rather than asking “what now”. In search of some serotonin, I have found an identity that offers a pocket filled with peace of mind.

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Homemaking Abigail Sikma Homemaking Abigail Sikma

Our Upstairs Bathroom Addition

Project number one after closing on our 1890 victorian was making a dead space more alive. There was an awkward landing in the middle of the second floor, a floor that has four bedrooms and one bathroom. In deep desire for a master suite, we knew we had to make sense of that empty square. As we see this bathroom come to life, it’s as if this is how the space should have been all along.

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Author Archives Abigail Sikma Author Archives Abigail Sikma

Social Media was Stealing my Days

If you have noticed at all - my presence on social media & here on the blog has been scarce. I am in some what of a soul searching phase & I am working on setting down the “busy”. Social media is not the sole one to blame, but I absolutely found it carried some fault. I saw mom’s posting on IG & stories of activities they were doing. I wait for my friends with kiddos to get ready for errands & they have 2 other small people to get ready too. I see the hustle & bustle that some may complain about - a kind of busy that I pray for.

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Homemaking Abigail Sikma Homemaking Abigail Sikma

How We Pick Our Flips And The Process Of It

After being asked by a few Instagram followers, I realized that our short amount of experience flipping & fixing up houses could very well help someone. So many people are in our shoes budget wise, age wise, opportunity wise. Why not pass along some helpful information from what we’ve learned to help encourage other people to dive into the renovation world themselves.

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Homemaking Abigail Sikma Homemaking Abigail Sikma

How to Make Buying a House Better

If you could be a professional mover, I might qualify. I don’t mean just the packing part, I mean the dealing with all the things part. So far in my short 26 years of life, I have lived in 1, 2, 3, 15 places. These are my tips when buying a house.

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