Recommendations Abigail Sikma Recommendations Abigail Sikma

Hearth & Hand Spring Specialties

Where would we be without Chip & Jo, am I right? Creating a distinct guide for us especially at Target was the best inspiration we could have ever asked for. Along with the fun spring finds I shared from Target last week, I thought I would share some special items solely from the Hearth and Hand collection. Here are my favorite spring items from the Hearth and Hand Collection at Target.

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Author Archives Abigail Sikma Author Archives Abigail Sikma

Qualifying as a Homemaker

Not everyone knows what they want to be when they grow up & that is okay. This was not the case for me, however. I always knew exactly what I wanted to be. It consisted of dreams filled with home cooked meals, a stocked piled room of toys & a home filled with people that needed me. Watching all these strong women in my life taking great care of their homes & loved ones demonstrated so much grace. Grace that I longed to one day have.

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Recommendations Abigail Sikma Recommendations Abigail Sikma

Quaint & Quality Office Must Haves

Amazon might be the best thing to happen for online shopping. Am I wrong? Getting a new job after the move & having a little space for an office made my super giddy. I was so excited to start decorating it, but mostly wanted to go about it the right way. I worked in the space for a few weeks before ever buying any decor. It was important to see what I actually needed & then move forward from there.

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Author Archives Abigail Sikma Author Archives Abigail Sikma

Finding My Purpose in Homemaking

The other week held one of the most fun things I have done yet with Our Blue Abode. My dear friend, Ashleigh Kluck asked me to join her on an episode of her inspiring new podcast “Have Camper Will Travel”. What a joy it was to not only chat voice to voice - we are Instagram pals, never met! - but it was so good to have a push of creativity in a platform I had never been apart of before. I left the interview with Ashleigh so motivated & inspired to keep doing this whole Our Blue Abode thing because of her infectious, creative personality & welcoming attitude.

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Recommendations Abigail Sikma Recommendations Abigail Sikma

Spring Finds Under $50 at Target

Spring is in the air which brings a waft of many different feelings. Knowing how quickly the year is flying by, the freshness of new life through out your surroundings & mostly the yearning for a clean, bright home. Being a neutral girl, I am surprised how often I desire color & “pops” through out my home once spring rolls around. Through the long months of fall & winter when I toss around all the chunky white throws, spring always makes me want to add some color.

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Motherhood Abigail Sikma Motherhood Abigail Sikma

Letting Infertility Define Me

Time & time again, I read quotes or articles saying “don’t let the infertility define you”. I mean if it did define you, then that would mean you are a skeleton made of hormone disorders, organs filled with despair & brokenness. A human full of doubt & fear bundled up in a skin of loneliness. How can you refrain from letting the number one thing that burdens your mind day in & day out not define you? I found it near impossible to find comfort in this quote because it deemed an impossible task. Therefore, I decided to let it define me. The difference is - I am learning how it is defining me as a woman, not my worth.

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Homemaking Abigail Sikma Homemaking Abigail Sikma

Why We Chose the RV We Now Call Home

I have been asked several times now why we chose our specific rig. I am always hesitant to explain because frankly I do not know much about the logistics of our RV. In my head, I chose it purely based on the fact that I was able to visualize it as a home. However, once I got back to them & went a bit deeper, I realized that this was information I once looked for. Why not give my honest take? So here we are, why we chose the RV we now call home.

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Homemaking Abigail Sikma Homemaking Abigail Sikma

Staying Organized while Living Tiny

One of my most frequent asked questions is how do I stay organized while living in such a small space. Moving to our RV, I learned & am still learning on what it means to live simply & minimal. I am learning what is truly important to me, how to make the most of my space & belongings & little ways to still make it feel like home. Showing the coziness we created through pictures is fun, but I do understand that it might not be as easy understanding how simple it truly is to live tiny.

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Homemaking Abigail Sikma Homemaking Abigail Sikma

Make Your Bed Cozy

Making your bed can truly change your day. I was asked to give advice once to an almost married couple & my short experience didn’t leave me with much. What I could say however, was to make your bed together. The motivation of completing this task, the act of doing it together & the ambiance a cozy bed offers changes your day & the feel of your entire home.

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