Motherhood Abigail Sikma Motherhood Abigail Sikma

Our Miscarriage Story

With every story written & conversation had concerning our infertility journey, I honestly didn’t think I would type those words. “Our Miscarriage Story”. Now whether that is because I never though we would be the 1 in 4 or just the thought of never being able to become pregnant, that I am not sure. Our story has grown to mounds that are some what uncharted territory. I grew comfortable sharing about infertility, but now this is a stage on a bit of shaky ground. Fear in saying the wrong thing. Fear in not demonstrating the heartbreak honestly. Fear in not honoring our angel baby the correct way. That is the thing, though. I write. I share. If I did not do so in accordance with this life event, well that would not honor our child properly.

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Author Archives Abigail Sikma Author Archives Abigail Sikma

Social Media can be Good

Whether it is your business, your side hustle, your night time hobby. Whatever it is you are wanting to showcase and promote and be creative in on your Instagram, how can any of those things I said above be seen as negative. How can any of that be avoided because of the negative connotations placed in our minds. There is too much goodness to be spread to not pursue it. I created this guide to do just that. To show what to prioritize, to offer tangible and actionable steps to showing up on your Instagram and creating the space you know you can. The space you want to use to encourage.

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Motherhood Abigail Sikma Motherhood Abigail Sikma

Be Brave through Infertility

The last word & for sure the most impactful for me, brave. It was my second Mother's Day since trying & our pastor made an announcement. He offered prayer to each type of mother in our congregation. The mother to grown children, lost children, little babies, the first time mother, the soon to be mother, and the mother who is not yet. ⠀⠀

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Motherhood Abigail Sikma Motherhood Abigail Sikma

Finding Grace before Motherhood

Today's word is well rounded. It holds truth to a quality we as Christian women should strive to carry heavy on our shoulders each day. An attribute that is a daily task. The greatest example of Christ's love for us is shown through His grace. When we are called to be Christ-like, that means filling our souls to overflow with this one word.

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Motherhood Abigail Sikma Motherhood Abigail Sikma

Empathy & Infertility

If you were not able to catch my chat yesterday, then here is a brief summary of how I plan to spend this week. Each day I will choose one word. One positive attribute that is being woven into my character through this walk of infertility. Yesterday I shared how I have learned to become more vulnerable in hopes of advocating for others. Today's word : Empathy.

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Motherhood Abigail Sikma Motherhood Abigail Sikma

Being Vulnerable through Infertility

If you checked into my stories & you made it to the end : thank you. I know I got a little carried away. This is a big week for us. This week demonstrates a struggle that has become an instrumental part that has redefined who we are as people.

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Homemaking Abigail Sikma Homemaking Abigail Sikma

Make Your Own Sanitizer Wipes

What a strange time we’re in. I think about what habits we will all hold after this passes. Will we be this conscious of the germs around us after the pandemic threat is gone? I must say that the things I am doing now are things I should have been doing long before this. I will say that sanitizing my hands & the areas around me more frequently is a habit I will like to always carry. With stocks so incredibly low for any type of sanitizer, making these DIY sanitizer wipes were my only hope. Luckily I had everything in the house ready to go.

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Recommendations Abigail Sikma Recommendations Abigail Sikma

Our Full Time RV Must Haves

We have lived in this home on wheels for over 6 months now & I can hardly even believe it! We have learned so much about this lifestyle & how we can live simply & yet oh so cozy. From playing with different textures to brightening up our space, we have come to love this life in our tiny home.

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